c:\trane\usb\controlbot\controller\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded c:/trane/usb/controlbot/controller/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. c:/trane/usb/controlbot/controller/logicagent/graph.yaml loaded. > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > John whistles. Okay, John whistles. > John is a man. Okay, John is a man. > Is John a man who whistles? Yes, John is a man who whistles. > Why is John a man who whistles? I have no knowledge that John is a man who whistles > What are John's relations? John is a man who whistles > John is a student. Okay, John is a student. > What are John's relations? John is a man who is a student who whistles who is a man > what is John? John is a man, a student > print graph john whistles john is a man john is a student > Every man who whistles is happy. Okay, Every man who whistles are happy. > Is John a man who whistles? Yes, John is a man who whistles. > Every man who whistles = a man who whistles Okay, Every man who whistles = a man who whistles. > Is John a man who whistles? Yes, John is a man who whistles. > Is John happy? Yes, a man who whistles are happy. > a man who whistles is singular Okay I have recorded a man who whistles as a singular form. > Is John happy? Yes, a man who whistles is happy. >