The following dialog refers to the family tree shown in The dialog shows one way of encoding some of the information in the family tree. Then two questions are asked about the relations in the tree: Are X and Y siblings? Who is X's grandfather? (The last four interactions show how to create a synonymous expression; if "begat" is considered archaic, "had" can be substituted after directing the agent to rewrite "X and Y had Z" as "X and Y begat Z". The "logicbot: " directive followed by a Ruby if-then expression is used to write the directive.) A lot of information has to be input before the two questions can be answered. Also, the methods that handle the questions had to be hand-coded. So adding more information and more questions will require more hand-coding. Is there a way to automate the coding? --- C:\trane\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded C:/trane/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. > Christopher married Penelope. Okay, Christopher married Penelope. > Christopher and Penelope begat Arthur. Okay, Christopher and Penelope begat Arthur. > Christopher and Penelope begat Victoria. Okay, Christopher and Penelope begat Victoria. > are Arthur and Victoria siblings? Yes, Arthur and Victoria are siblings. > Andrew married Christine. Okay, Andrew married Christine. > Andrew and Christine begat James. Okay, Andrew and Christine begat James. > Andrew and Christine begat Jennifer. Okay, Andrew and Christine begat Jennifer. > are James and Jennifer siblings? Yes, James and Jennifer are siblings. > are Arthur and Jennifer siblings? I don't think Arthur and Jennifer are siblings. > Victoria married James. Okay, Victoria married James. > Victoria and James begat Colin. Okay, Victoria and James begat Colin. > Victoria and James begat Charlotte. Okay, Victoria and James begat Charlotte. > are Colin and Charlotte siblings? Yes, Colin and Charlotte are siblings. > who is Colin's father? I don't know what Colin's father is. > Colin's father is Arthur Okay, Colin's father is Arthur. > who is Colin's father? Colin's father is arthur > Arthur's father is Christopher Okay, Arthur's father is Christopher. > who is Arthur's father? Arthur's father is christopher > who is Colin's grandfather? christopher > logicbot: if input =~ /(.* and .*) had (.*)/ then self.send("#{$1} begat #{$2}") end Okay I have added if input =~ /(.* and .*) had (.*)/ then self.send("#{$1} begat #{$2}") end. > Roberto and Maria had Emilio Okay, Roberto and Maria had Emilio. > Roberto and Maria begat Lucia Okay, Roberto and Maria begat Lucia. > are Emilio and Lucia siblings? Yes, Emilio and Lucia are siblings. >