Demonstrates that the program now understands the "aunt" relation. The rules telling the program about the "aunt" relation are in familytreerules.txt. (familytreerules.txt contains rules about other relations too.) The family tree from familytree.png is encoded in familytree.yaml, as a graph. --- C:\trane\logicagent\>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded C:/trane/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. > load graph from familytree.yaml familytree.yaml loaded. > logicbot: load rules from familytreerules.txt Okay, familytreerules.txt read; 10 rules. > who is Colin's aunt? jennifer and margaret. > who is Charlotte's aunt? jennifer and margaret. > who is Arthur's aunt? I don't know who Arthur's aunt is. > who is Colin's grandfather? andrew and christopher > who is Charlotte's brother? colin >