C:\trane\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded C:/trane/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. C:/trane/logicagent/graph.yaml loaded. > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > money = speech Okay, money = speech. > speech should be free Default response. > (.*) (should be) (.*) is like (.*) (loves) (.*) Okay, (?i-mx:(.*) (should be) (.*)) has been added, and will now call generic_a_r_b. > speech should be free Okay, speech should be free. > should speech be free? Default response. > should (.*) (be) (.*) is like does (.*) (love) (.*) Okay, (?i-mx:should (.*) (be) (.*)) has been added, and will now call generic_is_a_r_b. > should speech be free? Yes, speech is be free. > logicbot: if response =~ /is be/ then response.sub!(/is be/, 'should be') end Okay I have added if response =~ /is be/ then response.sub!(/is be/, 'should be') end. > should speech be free? Yes, speech should be free. > why should speech be free? Yes, speech should be free. > why should (.*) (be) (.*) is like why does (.*) (love) (.*) Okay, (?-mix:^why should (.*) (be) (.*)) has been added, and will now call . > show generic_why_is_a_r_b's api generic_why_is_a_r_b | why did (.*) (hit) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (taller than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (funnier than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (greater than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (better than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (bigger than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (larger than) (.*) generic_why_is_a_r_b | why is (.*) (smaller than) (.*) > why should (.*) (be) (.*) is like why did (.*) (hit) (.*) Okay, (?i-mx:why should (.*) (be) (.*)) has been added, and will now call generic_why_is_a_r_b. > why should speech be free? speech should be free because: speech = free > show graph money = speech money = money speech = money speech = speech speech should be free > should money be free? Yes, money should be free. > why should money be free? money should be free because: money = speech, and speech = free >