E:\controlbot\controller\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded E:/controlbot/controller/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. E:/controlbot/controller/logicagent/graph.yaml loaded. > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > All x are z. Okay, All x is z. > All y are z. Okay, All y is z. > Are some x y? I have no knowledge that some x is y. > some x is plural Okay I have recorded some x as a plural form. > all x includes some x Okay, all x = some x. > Are some x y? I have no knowledge that some x are y. > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > Some x are y. Okay, Some x are y. > All y are z. Okay, All y is z. > Are some x z? I have no knowledge that some x are z. > All y includes y. Okay, All y = y. > Are some x z? Yes, some x are z. > Why are some x z? some x are z because: some x are y, and y = all y, and all y is z > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > All x are y. Okay, All x is y. > Some y are z. Okay, Some y is z. > Are some x z? I have no knowledge that some x are z. > some y is plural Okay I have recorded some y as a plural form. > All x includes some x Okay, All x = some x. > Are some x z? I have no knowledge that some x are z. > Some y includes y Okay, Some y = y. > Are some x z? Yes, some x are z. > why are some x z? some x are z because: some x = all x, and all x is y, and y = some y, and some y are z > forget that y = some y Okay I have deleted y = some y. > Are some x z? I have no knowledge that some x are z. >