C:\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded C:/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. > logicagent: if input =~ /(\w+)'s (.*)/i then response = self.send("#{$1} is #{$2}") end Okay I have added if input =~ /(\w+)'s (.*)/i then response = self.send("#{$1} is #{$2}") end. > logicagent: if input =~ /(\w+)'re (.*)/i then response = self.send("#{$1} are #{$2}") end Okay I have added if input =~ /(\w+)'re (.*)/i then response = self.send("#{$1} are #{$2}") end. > Nobody's perfect. Okay, Nobody is perfect. > You're nobody. Okay, You are nobody. > Are you perfect? Yes, you are perfect. > why are you perfect? you are perfect because: you are nobody, and nobody is perfect > --- First, I submitted two rules (using Ruby as the rule language) to teach the bot about contractions...