C:\trane\logicagent>ruby logicbot.rb Hello I have loaded C:/trane/logicagent/logicagent-api.yaml. C:/trane/logicagent/graph.yaml loaded. > reset graph Okay, I have reset the graph. > John is a parent of Charles. Okay, John is a parent of Charles. > Charles is a parent of William. Okay, Charles is a parent of William. > is John a parent of William? I have no knowledge that John a parent of William. > logicbot: if response =~ /[^(is)] a parent of/ then response.sub!(/a parent of/, 'is a parent of') end Okay I have added if response =~ /[^(is)] a parent of/ then response.sub!(/a parent of/, 'is a parent of') end. > is John a parent of William? I have no knowledge that John is a parent of William. >