require 'Win32API' module Win32 class Sound class Error < StandardError; end VERSION = '0.4.1' LOW_FREQUENCY = 37 HIGH_FREQUENCY = 32767 MAX_VOLUME = 0xFFFF SYNC = 0x0000 # play synchronously (default) ASYNC = 0x0001 # play asynchronously NODEFAULT = 0x0002 # silence (!default) if sound not found MEMORY = 0x0004 # pszSound points to a memory file LOOP = 0x0008 # loop the sound until next sndPlaySound NOSTOP = 0x0010 # don't stop any currently playing sound NOWAIT = 8192 # don't wait if the driver is busy ALIAS = 65536 # name is a registry alias ALIAS_ID = 1114112 # alias is a predefined ID FILENAME = 131072 # name is file name RESOURCE = 262148 # name is resource name or atom PURGE = 0x0040 # purge non-static events for task APPLICATION = 0x0080 # look for application specific association @@Beep ='kernel32', 'Beep', 'LL', 'I') @@PlaySound ='winmm', 'PlaySound', 'PPL', 'I') @@waveOutSetVolume ='winmm', 'waveOutSetVolume', 'PL', 'I') @@waveOutGetVolume ='winmm', 'waveOutGetVolume', 'IP', 'I') @@waveOutGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'waveOutGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@waveInGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'waveInGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@midiOutGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'midiOutGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@midiInGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'midiInGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@auxGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'auxGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@mixerGetNumDevs ='winmm', 'mixerGetNumDevs', 'V', 'I') @@GetLastError ='kernel32', 'GetLastError', '', 'L') @@FormatMessage ='kernel32', 'FormatMessage', 'LPLLPLP', 'L') # Returns an array of all the available sound devices; their names contain # the type of the device and a zero-based ID number. Possible return values # are WAVEOUT, WAVEIN, MIDIOUT, MIDIIN, AUX or MIXER. def self.devices devs = [] begin 0.upto({ |i| devs << "WAVEOUT#{i}" } 0.upto({ |i| devs << "WAVEIN#{i}" } 0.upto({ |i| devs << "MIDIOUT#{i}" } 0.upto({ |i| devs << "MIDIIN#{i}" } 0.upto({ |i| devs << "AUX#{i}" } 0.upto({ |i| devs << "MIXER#{i}" } rescue Exception => err raise Error, get_last_error end devs end # Generates simple tones on the speaker. The function is synchronous; it # does not return control to its caller until the sound finishes. # # The frequency (in Hertz) must be between 37 and 32767. # The duration is in milliseconds. def self.beep(frequency, duration) if frequency > HIGH_FREQUENCY || frequency < LOW_FREQUENCY raise Error, 'invalid frequency' end if 0 ==, duration) raise Error, get_last_error end self end # Stops any currently playing waveform sound. If +purge+ is set to # true, then *all* sounds are stopped. The default is false. def self.stop(purge = false) if purge && purge != 0 flags = PURGE else flags = 0 end if 0 ==, 0, flags) raise Error, get_last_error end self end # Plays the specified sound. The sound can be a wave file or a system # sound, when used in conjunction with the ALIAS flag. # # Valid flags: # # Sound::ALIAS # The sound parameter is a system-event alias in the registry or the # WIN.INI file. If the registry contains no such name, it plays the # system default sound unless the NODEFAULT value is also specified. # Do not use with FILENAME. # # Sound::APPLICATION # The sound is played using an application-specific association. # # Sound::ASYNC # The sound is played asynchronously and the function returns # immediately after beginning the sound. # # Sound::FILENAME # The sound parameter is the name of a WAV file. Do not use with # ALIAS. # # Sound::LOOP # The sound plays repeatedly until Sound.stop() is called. You must # also specify the ASYNC flag to loop sounds. # # Sound::MEMORY # The sound points to an image of a waveform sound in memory. # # Sound::NODEFAULT # If the sound cannot be found, the function returns silently without # playing the default sound. # # Sound::NOSTOP # If a sound is currently playing, the function immediately returns # false without playing the requested sound. # # Sound::NOWAIT # If the driver is busy, return immediately without playing the sound. # # Sound::PURGE # Stop playing all instances of the specified sound. # # Sound::SYNC # The sound is played synchronously and the function does not return # until the sound ends. def, flags = 0) if 0 ==, 0, flags) raise Error, get_last_error end self end # Sets the volume for the left and right channel. If the +right_channel+ # is omitted, the volume is set for *both* channels. # # You may optionally pass a single Integer rather than an Array, in which # case it is assumed you are setting both channels to the same value. def self.set_wave_volume(left_channel, right_channel = nil) right_channel ||= left_channel lvolume = left_channel > MAX_VOLUME ? MAX_VOLUME : left_channel rvolume = right_channel > MAX_VOLUME ? MAX_VOLUME : right_channel volume = lvolume | rvolume << 16 if, volume) != 0 raise Error, get_last_error end self end # Returns a 2-element array that contains the volume for the left channel # and right channel, respectively. def self.wave_volume volume = [0].pack('L') if, volume) != 0 raise Error, get_last_error end volume = volume.unpack('L').first [low_word(volume), high_word(volume)] end # Alias for Sound.wave_volume def self.get_wave_volume self.wave_volume end private def self.low_word(num) num & 0xFFFF end def self.high_word(num) num >> 16 end # Convenience method that wraps FormatMessage with some sane defaults. def self.get_last_error(err_num = buf = 0.chr * 260 12288, 0, err_num, 0, buf, buf.length, 0 ) buf.split(0.chr).first.chomp end end end