Watched the end of Gandhi (the 1982 movie) on TV. At the end, Mirabehn, one of his rich white women groupies, said something like: Gandhi offered the way out of madness, but the world did not follow. I want to follow Gandhi's way. I would simulate an alternate history where Gandhi's idea was enacted: Jinnah was made the first Prime Minister of India, instead of Nehru. Could I simulate this scenario in Civilization^TM? Otherwise, I want to follow Gandhi's way of satyagraha ("hold fast to the truth"), his meticulousness and constant explorations regarding diet, his aparigraha ("lack of possessiveness"), his choosing to live simply. I saw a bee struggling in a water dish yesterday; I flicked him out onto the dry ground, as gently as I could, with one finger. I think Gandhi would have done the same, in my position. Help a fellow mortal out when we can. Gandhi hologram, like in an episode of Star Trek Voyager. I want to discuss ideas with him, learn from his works.