Sunday June 19, 2016 Lowry Pueblo, Colorado The interpretive signs date the earliest construction to 1085 AD. No citations given, but at other sites they mention dendrochronology as the dating method. They count the tree rings in the beams used for floor and roof supports, and date it in comparison to other trees whose age they know? An old squirrel sunning himself atop the old kiva wall. He got up slowly from his lying down position, eyed me in profile, winked slowly in gentleness, then quickly turned to face me, fixing me in a two-eyed stare for at least a minute. A small lizard on a rock shelf a foot below the squirrel, moving its head up and down rapidly. Two small birds flew over my shoulder, landing in the next stone room over. I promised them to try to use my human language to persuade, educate, cajole ppl into a state of more knowledge. --- The Great Kiva at the Lowry Pueblo clearly, to me, contains two rock alignments forming the outlines of a bunny and possibly a deer, maybe a bird?