Shooty McShootface (sung to the tune of Frosty the Snowman) Shooty McShootface Is a funny old kind of guy Likes to go out to the forest where He shoots his gun all day and night Flutey McFluteface is a weird kind-hearted troll Likes to go out to the forest where He plays the recorder with all his soul Hunty McCuntface Killing deer is to his taste Likes to drive out to the forest where He leaves big camps with lots of waste --- Solution to PyFart: Add a button at the bottom of each diary listed on Diaries page Button reads "Spam" When clicked, send associated diary text to a Bayes Classifier, with the label "Spam" Also train Classifier on positive examples with the label "Not Spam" Each new diary is sent to the Bayes Classifier before display in each user's browser: "Is this diary spam?" If Bayes classifier responds "Yes, this diary is spam." then don't display the diary. Optionally, display a one-line link to the diary text with a button at the bottom reading: "Not Spam". The diary can be removed from the "Spam" examples and added to the "Not Spam" examples, and the network can be retrained immediately.