To the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in particular, and to Federal Wilderness and Bureau of Land Management regulators in general: I should not be penalized because of the actions of a few others. Let me practice leave-no-trace, dispersed camping along roads in Wilderness areas. Let me camp within 1/4 mile of a water source, because I will be careful not to disturb wildlife. Give me the opportunity to go out on public lands, unrestricted, promising to leave the minimum trace and discourage bad behavior and set a good example. You should permit me and other members of the public to inspect what you are doing to pronghorns (in the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge). Are your policies more about you than animals? Let the animals come to you for help. Learn to observe non-violently and communicate about what they want. Don't capture them for breeding; solve the real problem: human sprawl and fences on private property. Park rangers have said the likes of "if we let everyone do it..." to me, leaving unsaid the vast, unspeakable consequences if they let my minor violation go unregulated. My response: if everyone were like me, you would have a lot fewer problems.