Big Head Princess 1) Dream of Big Head with a big head as a baby 2) Big Head not biting me after I talked with her for a half-hour first, pleading with her not to bite me when I was changing her food and water 3) I tried to catch Big Head Princess once in a cage after she had been freed from her cage, but she was doing something: harassing cockatiels? that made me try to put a sprig of millet in a cage and try to close the door on her after she went it. But she was too quick, and I never again tried to trick her like that and I think she bore me some ill will for trying, for a time. 4) Big Head and the rat 5) Big Head clicking, slowly and approvingly in reaction to the end of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington on "It Don't Mean A Thing" which came on the Swing Kings channel, and wich I rewound to sing along with 6) Saturday September 16 2017 Yesterday I put Big Head Princess's water dish back up on the outside of her cage, and filled it with distilled water I had just bought. She took a bath, plunging her head in the water and shaking it about as she looked at me, fluttering her wings. She looked like a waterbird. She seemed happy. I remember the experience of watching her and talking to her as she bathed with fondness. She is a special wonderful bird with a strong and individual personality, with her own individual tastes and preferences. And she is communicative and intelligent: she let me know she enjoyed the bath in the water dish, and she thanked me with her look after I changed the water she had just washed in. --- 7) Monday September 18 2017 Yesterday I was standing by Big Head Princess's cage (which is Beju and Blue's old cage). She was in her nest box, peeking out. I was talking to the birds and remembering Peaches and Buddy, how they sat on my shoulder once and made me feel like their newly-hatched baby, looking at me with love, joy, excitement. I think they were showing me what it would be like to be a baby chick ... Then suddenly Tracie killed the mood by asking for money and implying I had already promised her money but had never delivered. I didn't remember promising her $30, and the way she was accusing me killed my happy mood. I became sad, depressed. Tracie did not care and continued berating me, verbally abusing me. I just got more and more depressed. I looked to Big Head for some help. Big Head looked back with the same kind of joy and happiness that Buddy and Peach had demonstrated when they were on my shoulder, which I had hust been talking about. Big Head came out of her box, looking at me smilingly, and started picking atva millet sprig near her nestbox. She seemed so positive and loving towards me. It was such a contrast to the way Tracie was treating me ...