Can you write a bot to automate what you do, in case you get tired or want a vacation or retire or whatever? I want to write a bot that detects carnivores' posts and responds with a customized, personalized defense of animals' unalienable rights. Then, combine it with other bots in a multi-agent system so that intelligence can emerge from the user talking to it, and from the agents talking amongst themselves, doing their own research through the internet ... --- Why should I have to "prove viability" of anything I choose to do, to a bunch of unfriendly bankers and accountants, who create money by keystroke, on demand, for their buddies (such as Trump)? --- Interpretation of Batamote Mountains: inner, red core with a steeply-tilted white band, surmounted by a dome of grey, white-banded rock, is older than the ridge to the east, and the other surrounding rocks. Why don't I have access to a drone to video close-ups of the mountain, and collect rock samples? Why can't I use equipment to date rocks? Government or individuals with drones could allow me to check out drones, returning them in the same or better condition, as library books. Public labs could allow me to date rock samples. --- @RobinYoungNPR Empty houses should be turned into free squats for people like myself to practice usufruct in. ---