Une chanson de mon enfance -------------------------- Sur les affiches, des candidats On te promets la lune Toi tu t'en fiches, tu sais dejas Que tu auras des brules. Tiens-toi bien j'ai un programme Et tu veras, c'est pas commun Ce serait la fete, sept jours sur sept Si je suis president Plus de contredances, onze mois de vacances Si je suis president Plus de ministres, plus de gens sinistres Sur le petit ecran Votez pour moi, la vie ne sera pas triste Quand je suis president. ... I grew up in France, in Paris; I remember watching Variety shows on TV. Carlos had some hits: Le Bougalou du Loup Garou was one that I (or my parents?) bought the single for. The flip side, as I remember, was "Si J'etais President". Why does the other frog, merkelgo, get so much more money than me, when we probably had much the same background? tbrillopad undoubtedly will say: you're lazy, he's not. But what exactly is he not lazy at? Sucking Ignorant Motherfucker cock? I'm as good a programmer as anyone. Look at my code. I'm writing a programming language that anyone can talk to, even tfaggoto. No one's done that before. I work hard at it. Why exactly should mirblowjob get so much more money than me? Because he's a fucking faggot who loves faggotry and sucks cock harder than I can? Carlos had the right idea: fuck politics and politicians and policies. Fucking party 24/7, 11 months of vacation, and retire at 20. No fucking ministers, who needs 'em? They're all faggots and queers and sodomites. Those dancers have the right idea, they're swinging their arms like they don't care, and the musicians are swingin. That's the kind of life I want to live, not faggot uptight stick-up-your-ass faggotko's life of gross faggotry. It just sucks that fagko the racist and Sam the Rapist get so rewarded by faggot society. Crawford should be on my side, but I fear they beat the spirit out of him in all those jails and mental institutions. He's become just another faggot like all of you all. He always had faggot tendencies but he started to get real for a time. But all you faggots couldn't stand the truth and trolled him into the submissive little faggot he is today. Fuck. I want to live in a world where Carlos is President. Carlos ain't gonna judge me, Carlos understands that audiences are fickle and arbitrary, that hard work goes unrewarded often because of social miscarriages of justice. Carlos is gonna give me eleven months vacation, and let me retire at 20. Carlos is going to abolish all ministers and let everyone party seven days a week. Fuck. Why don't we elect Carlos instead of Trump? Who is like Carlos, today? Kurt Cobain would have been a good president. There's a clip of him on youtube somewhere telling all the kids watching to drop out of school, quit their jobs, do drugs. Kurt understood that society is fucked, and that motherfucker faggots like tin-ear-o are the real problem.