Carter should have made a better economic argument Carter was ashamed of his paltry $68 billion dollar deficit. Reagan blamed Carter's deficits for inflation, then proceeded to prove deficits don't matter by running average annual deficits that tripled or quadrupled Carter's average deficits. Carter should have said deficits don't matter. We will create money and index everything to address inflation. We will create a universal basic income and encourage innovation with challenges. We will buy back land until 50% is public for ppl to usufruct on. --- Thom Hartmann said Hillary Clinton's policies were good, reasonable, well-thought-out. But the Democratic policies were the problem. They were not bold, as Bernie Sanders tried to be. Hillary wanted to censor ISIS; instead, the policy should be to uphold free speech and defeat ISIS's words online with stronger arguments. Hillary said we can not pay for free college; instead she should have said that if it's a good idea, we will fund it. Instead of calling for more jobs and higher minimum wage, the Democratic Party policy should be calling for a basic income. Fund it on the Fed's balance sheet at zero taxpayer cost and index the economy fully to address inflation expectations now. The lack of imagination in the Democratic policies is what led to low turnout.