The Crawfraud Problem --------------------- When I listen to Rahsaan Roland Kirk, I hear a lot of pain transformed into pure, swinging, sound. When I read Crawford's diaries about music, I hear him misapplying Thermodynamic conservation laws to money, to justify hamming it up in public. For Crawford, everything is social. Social reactions are what he feeds off of, like a vampire drinking blood. Crawford is addicted to the feeling of fitting in. Not to pure, beautiful, music. Money is a sign of social approval, for Crawford. Crawford must do whatever it takes (music presently enjoying the most attention) to try to get paid, be because money is the best measure of self-worth. But the money Crawford scrabbles after, as a crack whore on hands and knees eagerly searches the carpet for spilled crack, is created by keystroke at the whim of rich financiers. Crawford, by emphasizing the precise dollar amount he is tipped for every busk, is tacitly ceding economic power to the rich financiers. The rich financiers care nothing for the marvel of Roland Kirk providing his own harmonies, counterpoint, and reverb while playing two or three saxes at once. The rich financiers care only about money. Just like Crawfraud. --- Solution: Basic Income. Admit there is no conservation law of money. Admit there are free lunches just like Dark Energy gives galaxies a push for free. Fund a basic income on the balance sheet of the Fed at zero cost to taxpayers. Index all incomes to inflation to eliminate the "inflation tax".