From C. H. Douglas's [Money and the Price System](, "A Speech delivered at Oslo on February 14, 1935, to H.M. The King of Norway, H.E. The British Minister, The President, and Members of the Oslo Handlesstands Forening (Merchants Club)": Page 15: We believe that the most pressing needs of the moment could be met by means of what we call a National Dividend. This would be provided by the creation of new money - by exactly the same methods as are now used by the banking system to create new money - and its distribution as purchasing power to the whole population. Let me emphasise the fact that this is not collection-by-taxation, because in my opinion the reduction of taxation, the very rapid and drastic reduction of taxation, is vitally important. The distribution by way of dividends of a certain amount of purchasing power, sufficient at any rate to attain a certain standard of self-respect, of health and of decency, is the first desideratum of the situation.