Response to coyotebrown: You are exactly right, the main objection has nothing to do with production capacity; economics is used as an excuse to justify a desire to control others. Thus let us dispense with specious economic justifications for austerity; argue on the real point of disagreement, which is that you want to control me. --- Driving back to the Valley of the Ajo after being in the high, sandstone country, the ugliness of the design of the Cornelia mine's waste dumps was striking. The skyline at sunset was very craggy; then the flat, long, unimaginative walls of rock deposited by dumptrucks. Why couldn't they have been more interesting, like imitate the mountains around them? Did they even notice the other mountains, or were they blinded by all that 0.7% pure copper. --- Capitalism assumes highest priority for one relation, i.e. exchange, between two parties. If exchange cannot occur because the wants of each party are not aligned, food rots in silos while ppl starve. Only through exchange can you access surplus. Other relations that might hold between holders of surplus and demand agents: giving, gift economy, free access, learning, teaching, collaboration, mercy, charity, non-possessiveness, love, ... Capitalism perverts the most natural relations by elevating quid-pro-quo exchange to the highest, arbitrarily. ---