It's funny that ISIS is a better recruiter than your government. I think that is a clear failure of government. Their reactions to terrorism are completely wrong and they deserve to be called out, repeatedly, loudly, ubiquitously. Also, keep your taxes. I don't need your money to fund a world-wide basic income. The Fed should put a world-wide basic income on its balance sheet, at zero cost to taxpayers. The Fed should also implement full indexation of all incomes, thus eliminating inflation because everyone's purchasing power is maintained however high prices rise. I think most people start out wanting to be creative and wonder about everything. Then people like government policy makers tell them to stop asking why and do what you are told. The real failure of imagination is that policy makers cannot see that their actions can be viewed as terrorism. We must study Gandhi's nonviolent noncooperation and the ancient Jain parable of the blind men and the elephant.