The Diane Rehm show on NPR aired an episode this morning (Friday, January 1, 2016) in which a doctor claimed rodent calorie restriction studies provided evidence that fasting for at least 12 hours ("16 is better") releases ketones that burn fat and help the brain. Jains figured out that eating once a day is good thousands of years ago, without torturing innocent animals. --- NPR story rebroadcast on Saturday, January 2, 2016 ("Radio Lab"? "This American Life"?) about a "Momzilla" bird caught on a "nest-cam" abusing her young. The story's tone is: we sould obey the Prime Directive and let nature take its course. My response: By putting the camera there you have already violated the Prime Directive. You are already interfering by observing. We should apply humane standards when we can and stop violence. We should remove the young from the mother's aggression and care for them. Animal Scientists who say different are hypocrites and intellectually dishonest.