According to a commentator on the Diahne Rehm show on Friday, June 10, 2016 ("Foreign news roundup"): The US said it would airdrop supplies on beseiged cities in Syria, but backed down because the US Air Force would have had to guarantee the supply planes' safety against Russian Air Force fighters. It's funny to think of all the US Air Force bases and training grounds around me in southern Arizona, filled with fighter pilots scared of Russian pilots. There has to be a way to get supply planes (or drones) past the Russians. Drone safety must be reckoned more important than starving Syrians, I guess. --- Best way to fight terrorism: Let Omar Mateen and others like him speak openly without social consequence about their racism, violence, bigotry. Find the words to change his mind. Do not censor him; engage him online, waste his time by trolling him, keep him so occupied in making comments that he has no time to plan actual physical violence. Safety is not a constitutionally enumerated right. If you assume security is a right, I get to assume healthcare is a right. Words and basic income are the best way to fight terrorism.