More electrons than photons edx, Solar Energy, MOOC, photon flux, coulombs, EQE, efficiency, charge carriers, ampere, joule, watt Suppose 3e21 photons are hitting a square meter in one second. You can produce more charge-carrying electrons than photons. So you get more than 483 coulombs (defined as the charge carried by 6.2e18 electrons), since 6.2e18 * 483 = 3e21. If you can collect all those electrons in a circuit, you get more current than the photon flux would produce without using clever engineering techniques to down-convert, up convert, and otherwise raise the External Quantum Efficiency over 100%. We should hold engineering challenges to raise External Quantum Efficiency. --- Consider the math used to calculate the efficiency of a solar cell. In the calculator app at the bottom of the screenshot, you see an equation used to calculate the efficiency of an example solar cell, specified before. (More setup.) The correct answers were redacted to comply with the Honor Code (since this is an exam question, rather than a practice question). Anyway, I raised the EQE (which is used in the efficiency calculation of a solar cell) from 0.65 to 4.65, to get an efficiency of 104%. This would produce a short-circuit current of 130.2 mA/cm^2, for the example problem. So, output flux = 130.2 mA/cm^2 * (6.241e18 electrons * 0.001 A/mA) = 8.126e17 electrons/(s*cm^2) Incoming flux = (10e16 + 11e16 + 6e16) photons/(cm^2*s) = 2.7e17 photons/(s*cm^2) Thus, to get 104% efficiency out of the example solar cell, you would need to produce, on average, 8.127e17/2.7e17 = 3 electrons per photon. You could do this with down converters, or quantum dots, or hot carriers, etc. This is an engineering problem, not a theoretical impossibility. --- Light trapping might be one way to increase the EQE. If you can trap all the high-energy photons, you can turn each of them into two or more lower-energy photons, which still have enough electron-Volts each to produce charge carriers.