Wednesday June 7 2017 FR2263 off Donkey Creek Road about 40 miles northeast of Aberdeen, Washington I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor of some building; I was close to the outside wall. Jim was in a slightly elevated room towards the inside of the building; I think he was sitting at a desk, working. I felt something tearing at me through the sleeping bag, attacking me from the back as I lay on my side facing the outside wall of the room. It felt like a dog or wolf or big wild cat was tearing at the sleeping bag shaking its head back and forth with its teeth sunk in the fabric, trying to rip the sleeping bag apart to get at my flesh. I called out "Jim! Jim! Save me!" Jim didn't come. Then I woke up. --- Day residue: Tracks in the road near my camp, looked like possibly a big cat. Paul Nicklen, nature photographer, was interviewed on the radio the day before; he talked about wanting a cool death, killed by an elephant seal for example. --- After waking from the dream, in the darkness of the night, sleeping outside on a tarp on the Humptulips River side, I reflected that if I died like that it would be okay, a cool death as Nicklen was talking about.