Jobs pay you to uphold the status quo. Your are taught that to keep your job and hence your social status, you should not challenge the status quo. You are encouraged to lie to cover up mistakes. You enforce laws you may not agree with, and are not free to express your opinion. --- @ChrisHayes MSNBC @RobertReich Why didn't you mention basic income as the proper policy response to poverty and increasing inequality? --- Friday June 3 2016 @BoomBust Jobs should not be the goal; knowledge advancement should. Basic income helps advance knowledge faster than markets alone. --- Tuesday, June 7, 2016 @Nell Henderson ? on Diane Rehm show Since the Fed has market-tested unlimited liquidity, improve demand with a basic income at zero taxpayer cost on the Fed balance sheet. @Dan Gorenstien? Marketplace Morning Report NPR Legalize drugs. The "whole picture" is: society drives ppl to self-medicate. Fix your sick society, don't ban remedies.