Tuesday October 11, 2016 Falls Creek Camp, Capitol Forest, near Olympia, Washington, USA Mental, memetic, entanglement with the stream, the spot, the environment; physical entanglement also? With particles in the water, the dirt, the air? Draw on the entanglement, the memory, later to measure entangled particles and bring back a physical dimension to the memory? The rare sunny fall day spent washing in streams and hiking solitary trails, drinking in the forest, the greenery, breathing in the salas and ferns, the juncos and tiny finches clicking, the grasshoppers pausing to take a look at me. --- This day and these written thoughts have no value to the IMF and the neoliberal, or neoclassical, school of economics that so pervades politically conservative positions in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. These thoughts, this activity you share in by reading, does not measurably increase Gross Domestic Product; therefore, this dairy has no value. We must affirm a non-market value to knowledge advancement that is not sold. --- I also learned a song played on the radio, the name of which I didn't catch, with Chet Baker playing the melody on trumpet. Cute tune. http://subbot.org/misc/music/chettune.mp3 Again, this piece of personal knowledge advancement, this musical communication from Chet Baker, is valueless to neoclassical economics. --- Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Off the D-Line, Capitol Forest, near Olympia, Washington, USA Yesterday I asked nature, the birds and grasshoppers and trees, etc. to tell me what they would like me to say to humans. I have human language; what shall I tell humans? One answer, I think, from the birds is articulation. Bird chirps are prettily articulated. (Articulation here taken to mean the way in which you play a note, your touch, the force used to contact the key or instrument, the air in your throat.) The closest human articulations to bird chirp articulations is in jazz, I think. Swing. I think the birds are teaching me how to articulate and to express the importance and fun of avian articulations.