My proposal for a bill:


The Federal Reserve Act shall be amended as follows:
Section 2A
 shall replace everything after "maintain" with "real income purchasing power." 

The amended Section in its entirety shall read:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee 
shall maintain real income purchasing power."

Real income purchasing power shall be understood to mean percent of income spent on expenses. 

The Fed is directed to examine indexation schemes to maintain real income purchasing power.
Section 13
 shall be amended to add a paragraph, Paragraph 15, which shall read:

"The Board of Governors is directed to implement a basic income of $2000 per month 
for any individual who asks for it. It is suggested that the Board look into 
the provisions of Section 13 (13): loans at a suitable negative interest rate 
could be used to structure a monthly deposit of $2000 in an account for 
requesting individuals. The monthly amount shall be indexed in the manner 
decided upon in Section 2A."