"Del" wants to censor me to provoke mental pain. He fails to do it with words alone, thus he must resort to tools I don't have: prior restraint of speech. Such prior restraint of speech is the first resort of governments everywhere. Bidness, too, loves prior restraint on any criticism. "Del" uses prior restraint to press an emotional button in me, so he can feed on my cry out of mental anguish, like some devolved Highlander. "Del" is led on such a path by ppl such as, I suspect, his "wife", who toy with his emotions endlessly in their zeal for psychological control games. "Del"'s mirror neurons become excited as he observes bad behavior. He begins to act as they do, perhaps unconsciously. Such as putty is he, in their hands. Rusty keeps kuro$5hin censored because he is embarrassed (sp?) how successfully I challenged his entire social world. I dispatched trolls and posers alike. Given a level playing field of words alone, my memes prevail. My ideas have greatest survival fitness. Kuro5hin is proof; hence Rusty must silence it. #politics was proof; hence !freenode shut it down. The Branford Marsalis forum was proof; therefore Branford had to pull the plug.