Some of us get sick from sleeping inside. Mankind has been sleeping outside for millennia. It goes against the spirit of America to alienate the self-evident right to camp. "You can't take the outdoors out of America" - Court Morgan, homeless guy I talked to once. Theodore Roosevelt wrote how the "stars were glorious in our eyes each night before we fell asleep" ( Try it; sleeping outside, for many of us, is healthier. The private sector does much worse damage than the homeless. The private sector clearcuts old growth, and second growth, leaving monocultures too thickly planted. The private sector levels mountains leaving polluted groundwater. The private sector concentrates thousands upon thousands of cattle in feedlots with a methane cloud rising, polluting groundwater with waste. Upset constituents might better focus attention on the environmental destruction caused by large and small private sector businesses, financed by money created from thin air by the private financial sector. Simply paying more (perhaps) taxes should not grant anyone the unconstitutional authority to alienate the self-evident right to camp. We should not rely upon the ill-gotten gains of business to fund government through taxes. We should make taxes voluntary, create money (QE for People), and fully index the economy to eliminate inflation fears forever. People should encourage a leave-no-trace ethic of usufruct. Make clean squats out of abandoned buildings. Leave brooms, mops, garbage sacks, recycling bins. Legalize drugs, as the ACLU has recently called for. Talk to the homeless, hear their stories. Communicate, understand, do not be so quick to criticize the mote in your brother's eye.