Dear Bill Radke: I write once again regarding the self-evident and unalienable right to camp. I listened to your Friday show and your commentators assume a lot. Please talk to some homeless individuals, put them and their stories on the air. Swap stories. Communicate! Please do not retreat to a limited one-sided view of camping in public spaces, for purely social face-saving reasons that say more about you than about camping in public spaces. When Native American children were forced to sleep inside at boarding schools, many got sick. That is how I feel. Many homeless I suspect share this affliction of being allergic to indoors. You should not ignore the fact that some of us do not fit within your system. We're here. Better get used to it. A few policy changes such as affirming a right to camp and encouraging leave-no-trace usufruct on public lands and abandoned lots can improve things for those of us who prefer the outdoors. Please do not marginalize us, criminalize us, take away campsites. DNR is converting former campgrounds to Day Use Only; why? We should expand camping opportunities. It is healthier, for many of us. Sincerely, Robert Mitchell