Adding a dimension increases entropy exponentially: volume has many more states than area. 2 x 2 = 4; 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. A word can represent 16 states; a byte, 256. Going from 2D to 3D space increases the number of addressable states, and hence increases entropy, exponentially. Entropy's predicted increase, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, is used by cynics to justify their own bad behavior: everything's going to hell anyway, according to the Second Law, therefore I might as well lie, cheat, steal to get what I can. Economists use the Second Law, implicity and explicitly, to support the Scarcity assumption: everything is deteriorating, resources disappear, order is scarce. However as Flatland demonstrates, adding a dimension and hence increasing Entropy can create much greater expressivity and explanatory power. In Flatland the phenomenon of a sphere passing through the plane of the narrator was too mysterious for him to express easily, until you add another dimension and develop the expressivity to describe, mathematically, a sphere. Thus we can intuit paths through the larger state space of a system increasing in entropy, to find beautiful, bountiful, profitable, blissful states, and transitions.